You have probably heard that Chiropractors can help with neck pain, headaches, low back pain, and sciatica. These are some of the symptoms that great chiropractic care can help reduce and even eradicate by correcting misalignments of the spinal column. Chiropractic care can help your body function more efficiently. This is achieved by correcting subluxations.   

What is a subluxation?

A subluxation is a misalignment between two or more segments of the spinal column that inhibits an area from mechanically performing at 100%. If not corrected, a subluxation can cause compensations at and around the affected segments. More than often these compensations turn into symptoms like pain, muscle spasms, knots, numbness, tingling, and other altered sensations.  

Will a chiropractor “fix” your symptoms of pain?

The truth is that a chiropractor will not help you fix your painful symptoms. I know that sounds like it’s wrong but it is true! A chiropractor will “fix” or correct the subluxations/misalignments in your spine in order to enable your musculoskeletal system to perform without any compensation. When your musculoskeletal system can operate efficiently, your body is able to achieve mechanical balance. This happens when the spinal column is aligned and all of vertebras are moving without restriction throughout their full range of motion. 

It’s all about being balanced and in alignment!

Like everything else in life, your spine and biomechanics work best when balanced. A spinal column, (and its supportive musculature), that is able to effortlessly balance your body’s mass against gravity without compensations, tends to wear and tear much slower while offering more freedom of movement to your whole body. Injuries, bad posture and bad habits can have a huge impact on the way that your spinal column ages within you. Making sure that you are visiting your chiropractor on a regular basis is key to the overall hygiene of your spinal column. Get checked, get adjusted!

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