Our Chiropractic Services
Acute Chiropractic Care
Part of the treatment where we focus on creating a shift on the alignment of your spine. When the body is in alignment, it works like it’s designed to and symptoms like neck pain and lower back pain start becoming less and less prevalent in your life.
General Wellness Chiropractic Care
It’s all about better quality of living. This is our favorite part of care. This is where we tend to see the long lasting effects of a well cared for spine, which due to its good alignment, doesn’t compensate causing over use and painful symptoms.
Health and Wellness Coaching
We are passionate about the holistic aspect of living, and we strive to educate all of our patients, so they can also live the way we were naturally designed to.
Why give alignment to the spine?
The spinal column is one of the most important structures of our body. It gives protection to our spinal cord and it gives us incredible range of motion and stability. Providing alignment to the spine through chiropractic care helps with gaining and maintaining proper posture. Good posture is key to having an efficient musculoskeletal system and proper “wear and tear” of the spinal column structures.
Pricing of Services
- Initial exam: $130
Your initial office visit includes a full history, a consultation, a full spinal and nerve exam, a set of x-rays (two views) if necessary, and a referral to the proper specialist if we determine chiropractic can’t help you. This appointment is 45 minutes long.
- Chiropractic Adjustments: $60
Depending on which segments get adjusted. Our average cost per adjustment is $60. This appointment is 15 minutes long.
- Initial Exam for Children under 18: $70
Your initial office visits includes a full health history, a consultation, a full spinal and nerve exam, a set of x-rays (two views) if necessary, and a referral to the proper specialist if we determine chiropractic can’t help you. This appointment is 45 minutes long.
- Adjustments for kids under 18: $30
This appointment is 15 minutes long.
- Set of x-rays: $75/set
Two views. This appointment is 30 minutes long.
- Scraping technique: $40
Soft tissue mobilization technique which restores movement to the extremities. This appointment is 10 minutes long.
- Cupping: $65
Relieves pain by oxygenating the affected tissue. This appointment is 30 minutes long.
- Re-examination: $80
This appointment is 30 minutes long.